Honorable Delia Garcia
Latina Leadership Lessons

The Honorable Delia García exhibited her leadership skills at the age of 13, when she organized the first Youth American GI Forum Chapter in Wichita, Kansas, where she was born and raised. She went on to become the first Latina—and youngest woman—elected to the Kansas legislature in 2004 and the first Latina appointed Secretary of Labor in her home state.
The recipient of numerous awards and accolades, García gathers “Top Ten Leadership Lessons” from 50 high-achieving women. This “who’s who” of movers-and-shakers contains representatives from government, corporate and non-profit worlds. While each woman’s unique experiences and heritage are reflected in her advice, there are several recommendations that made many of the lists, such as the importance of believing in oneself like Si Se Puede, the importance to mentor and be mentored like madrinas do, remembering one’s roots as we are living our ancestor's wildest dreams, embracing change and taking care of one’s physical and emotional needs like sana sana colita de rana.
Contributors come from 25 states in every corner of the country, and include Dr. Victoria M. DeFrancesco Soto, the dean of the Clinton School of Public Service at the University of Arkansas, a contributor to NBC News and a political analyst for Telemundo; the Honorable Carmen Yulín Cruz Soto, the former mayor of San Juan, Puerto Rico, who dealt with the devastating aftermath of Hurricane María; the Honorable Hilda Solis, Los Angeles County Supervisor and former US Secretary of Labor, congresswomen and California state senator; and María “Gaby” Pacheco, a young immigrant rights advocate who spearheaded the efforts that led to the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program. This powerful and intriguing collection introduces an impressive group of women who have reached the pinnacle of success in their work, despite having to overcome obstacles related to gender, ethnicity and sometimes immigration status.